Welcome to the Equine Department at Wiltshire College and University Centre. to start your learning journey to success in your chosen field. We really look forward to welcoming you in September.
Please find below details of course related costs and items you may need to get ready for the start of term.
Resource Fee
You will need to pay your £25.00 non-refundable Resource Fee before coming to enrol. This can be done on the online shop www.shop.wiltshire.ac.uk You will need to bring a copy of your receipt to enrolment as proof of purchase. If you cannot pay online, please pay by card on enrolment day.
All students are required to provide their own stationery, to include a memory stick, paper, pens, pencils, calculator and folders, A4 poly pockets for completed assignments and folders for completing course work and in-class assessments.
You are not required to purchase textbooks for this course as the Learning Resource Centre has a range of textbooks that you can access. Insight which is available from E-study or the homepage will direct you to available E-books, journals and articles relevant to your course. Unit specific recommended reading lists will be provided by specific lecturers throughout the academic year.
Uniform & PPE
All students are required to have specific clothing and PPE, which must be worn in all practical sessions. This is available to order from our supplier Wiltshire College & University Centre Archives – JS Teamwear JS Teamwear
The following items are mandatory:
- Polo shirt(s) – purchased from the above supplier
- Sweatshirt(s) – purchased from the above supplier, choice of crew neck or zip neck
- Waterproof coat – purchased from the above supplier
We do not provide Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and this must be purchased before you start your course. If PPE is not present at the start of term, this may exclude you from ALL practical sessions.
For Health and Safety reasons NO visible piercings are permissible during practical activities. All jewellery must be removed including necklaces and rings.
It is also advised not to have nail extensions or false nails as this could cause injury to animals or yourself.
All students are also required to have the following clothing, which must be worn in all practical sessions; hoodies are not permissible during practical activities:
Students also have the option to purchase the following additional items from the supplier above:
Trips and guest speakers
All students are expected to attend college educational enrichment activities as part of their course. These could include a visit to London International Horse Show, Badminton, race days and visits to various equestrian businesses. We will also have guest speakers and employer masterclasses throughout the year.
A contribution of £150 is required from all students. Please pay on the college online shop which can be found at www.shop.wiltshire.ac.uk by 6th October 2023.
Please note that trip fees are non-refundable.
Work Experience
As part of your course, you are required to find and carry out a work placement. Please look around your local area for businesses or organisations to complete the placement.
If you have already found a placement, please contact Ann Simpson ([email protected]) about the establishment you have found and their contact details.
Warm-up activities
Students who are keen to get involved in all things equestrian, we thought you would enjoy checking out these links for ideas on what you could get up to over summer :
Suggested retailers for riding clothes and safety wear:
Wadswick Country Store
Manor Farm
Wiltshire SN13 0NY
01225 810700
Robinsons Equestrian on-line
Horsey things
Unit 3
Richmond Farm
Brickworth Road
Salisbury SP5 2QG
Mole Valley Farmers
Somerset BA11 2PN
01373 831114
Mole Country Stores
Churchfields Road
Wiltshire SP2 7PP
01722 336886